Printer 4 All

printer This nifty utility will install a default network printer for all user's profiles, both for existing users and any new users that have not logged in yet. Once a new user logs in, this software will create a new printer for the profile and set it as the default printer for them.

 This script is intended only for Windows XP computer that are joined to a Domain where the printer is hosted on a file / printer server.  I have not tested this on a Workgroup infrastructure but it should still work.  If you have a local printer (USB, LPT) directly attached to your computer then you do not need this script as locally attached printer will have the printer be available for all users.  At this current time, this script will only work for Windows XP.  In Windows 7, sometimes this software works and sometimes it does not so we are not supporting Windows 7 installs. 

Program Features:

  • Easy to use
  • Run once, set it and forget it
  • Printer will be available for all user profiles regardless whether the user profile exist or not.
  • Ideal for lab environment and schools where controlling printing for students are needed
  • Avoid complexity of Group Policy as this software makes the printer assigned to computer rather than user.
  • You still manage only 1 printer queue on the server so setting printer preferences on server for all users is a snap rather than the tedious task of changing preferences at each workstation if you used other methods. (Stop tricking the computer with net use commands!)
  • Save time by not having to visit the computer to install the printer for a new user who just logged in
  • Software is a stand-alone application which does not need to be install.  Leaves zero footprint behind
  • Users, even if they are local admin, will not be able to delete printer that was added by this utility. (will need to use the remove utility)
  • One of a kind software on the market 

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